dimanche 24 juillet 2011


Rien de spécial à dire, si ce n'est que le départ approche à nouveau. C'est le calme avant la tempête, et je préfère courir dans les aéroports plutôt qu'attendre sur ma chaise que l'heure arrive. My room's cleaned, it looks empty, the guitar has been tucked away behind the shelves, and a hundred of old books are now perched at the top of my wardrobe, also waiting for days and months and years to pass. Maybe we're all floatsam and jetsam swirling in the storm of Time. Strong currents are always more interesting, even though more dangerous. I'm curious to see what will happen in the maelstrom coming ahead, curious also about which way I'll get out of that maelstrom, in about 10 months. En attendant, je vais juste essayer de regarder la fin de Fragments, Torchwood. ;)

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