mercredi 31 mars 2010

Waiata - Ehara i te mea, part 1

Ehara i te mea
No naianei te aroha
No nga tipuna
Tuku iho, tuku iho.

Love is not a new thing,
It comes from the ancestors,
It's been passed on, it's been passed on.

Ce n'est pas une chose nouvelle
Que l'amour,
Cela vient de nos ancêtres,
C'est notre héritage, notre héritage.


Whakataka te hau ki te uru
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga
Kia makinakina ki uta
Kia mataratara ki tai
Kia hi ake ana te atakura
Te tio, te huka, te hauhu,
Tihei mauri ora!

Le Cochon d'Inde

Ca y est, j'ai signé pour ma première expérience de psychologie. Jeudi prochain de 13h à 14h, je ferai le hamster.

Cochon d'Inde vs Lapin (Bruno Salomone):

mardi 23 mars 2010


Oh doe not die, says Donne, for I shall hate
All women so. How false this sentence rings.
Women? But in a life made desolate
It is the joys once shared that have the stings.
To take the old walk alone, or not at all,
To order one pint where I ordered two,
To think of, and then not to make, the small
Time-honoured joke (senseless to all but you);
To laugh (oh, one'll laugh), to talk upon
Themes that we talked upon when you were there,
To make some poor pretence of going on,
Be kind to one's old friends, and seem to care,
While no one (O God) through the years will say
The simplest, common word in just your way.

vendredi 19 mars 2010

Koru 1

Much travelled. Traveller. Writer in the dark, writer of the dark, but not dark writer. Following my whirling thoughts in the spiral they are singing, and singing with them in a deep voice, sometimes, between two silences. I throw isolated words in a blank world, and watch them crash all around. My path is strewn with meaningless letters. Corpses of words.

They call me Ness. The Dark Ness. The monster of the Loch Ness. The one you show, but that you never see. Always hiding. It's me.


_Dad! I've been stung by a bee!

Little Lysa was running towards me, trying to outrace the tears running down her cheeks, her thumb held out as the place of the injury.

_Let me see... Ok, come with me to the kitchen. The stinger's out, we just need to clean that.

_Will it hurt?

_No, my darling, it won't hurt. You've been very brave, and it's almost over now.

I had learnt how to make my voice soothing over the years, but I was still so scared, inside.