lundi 28 novembre 2011

Chapter 120: closing the door

Right, I thought I'd take a few minutes for this. Since things have been moving fast lately, I haven't been able to talk about my travels much in this blog. As a notebook full of thoughts and observations, I quite like it. But I have the feeling that it's not really useful anymore, so I'll just close this blog for good, instead of writing something in it once every three months. I prefer to scratch paper when I have the opportunity, and I have a couple of other blogs going on for Willamette University students. As for personal dreams and thoughts, fiction writings and others, they're still here, and maybe the best thing to do is to stop using the blog as an excuse not to make them bigger, not to dedicate more time to them than it takes for just one article. So I'll see you all soon. ;)

samedi 27 août 2011

A Penny for Your Thoughts

Sometimes I find that text makes you see and feel things more accurately than pictures, because I make you see it through my eyes and mind, my heart and soul, and through the stardust we're all made of. Sometimes I find that pictures lose the magic of the moment, and that only the magic of words can work to bring it back. Do you?

vendredi 26 août 2011

Oh, The Places You'll Go !

Oh, The Places You'll Go ! Take my hand, and I'll show you a place where skeletons play the saxophone ! I'll take you to the sea-shore, where we'll watch mountains disappear, travelling to imaginary lands between the ocean and the fog. Together, we'll climb the never-ending sand-dunes that eat your feet away and burn your skin, until you make it to the top, and there - oh, there ! - you will see the world at your feet, like a map ready to be marked, like a patchwork of fantastic lands and unknown territories. You'll blend its colors together, and you'll take your hiking gear and create your own path. What a beautiful, dangerous, inspiring, intense path it will be !

Oh, The Things You Will See ! The dozens of dolphins playing around the submarine, the rainbow flags dancing together in a hidden meadow, the cougar roaming in the local park, the dancing bearcat and the curious puppy, the sunset deer at the fork in the woods, the vanilla swirl, the real Lucius Malfoy, the welcome of the chaplain, the buffalos all around, the ghost in the mirror, the sky so wide above the clock tower, and the candles floating on the river !

Oh, The People You'll Meet ! Dozens of escapees from Alcatraz reaching the shore under your eyes, one grumpy man on the Golden Gate Bridge, one ever-happy librarian, one character from a show you like and a fake doppelganger! Just go on, go on, and on your journey you'll also find the evil Master of Campus Life, the excited and fragile freshmen, the little girl shouting "I win! I win! I win!" and the magic of dancing!

And this is just the beginning, but all of these are already there for you, for your eyes and for your mind, for your heart and for your soul, all in one place at the same exact time on the same precise date, so welcome everyone, welcome to Willamette University...

vendredi 19 août 2011

Singing in the Wind

San Francisco se lève... En fait, San Francisco se coucherait maintenant, si San Francisco était du genre à se coucher la nuit. Les néons flashent, la culture beatnik est tout autour, Chinatown est à deux pas, et la capitale LGBT mondiale à trois pas et demi. Beaucoup de choses à raconter, à présenter, à découvrir, et j'essaierai de ne rien oublier quand je m'installerai à mon ordinateur dans une petite semaine pour mieux contribuer à ce blog. En attendant, je me remplis la tête de trésors de vie.

En entrée ("appetizer"), une anecdote bostonienne. Attente à un feu, pour traverser, près du port et de Columbus Parc, soudain une voix s'élève, c'est une jeune femme qui chante. Dans la foule en face, une deuxième voix lui répond, reprenant à l'unisson la même chanson. Puis, quand le feu passe au vert et que je traverse la route, ce sont une trentaine de personnes, un peu partout dans la foule qui traverse à mes côtés ou en face de moi, qui chantent "We Are The World". Pendant deux minutes trente, ma vie était devenue une comédie musicale.